NASA Controllers Have A Conversation About UFOs Then Cut Feed

NASA Controllers Have A Conversation About UFOs Then Cut Feed

This old footage not only proves that NASA astronauts do encounter UFOs, but also shows how NASA controls the UFO narrative during STS missions and other space missions, reports

Usually NASA astronauts follow a “script” and they know exactly what and when to say. These astronaut however were too shocked by something they had never seen before.

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They forget their “lines” and no longer follows the script, instead a not planned discussion and conversation starts on which one NASA controller tries to save the situation and cut the live feed in an attempt to hide the truth that these astronauts had a couple “visitors” passing by.

Conversation between the astronauts and NASA’s control Houston:

– What a flash…?
– What’d say Mark?
– I saw alight flash…(unintelligible)…there it is again.
– I thought it must have been me…
– I said I thought it was my imagination…
– I saw it too so it’s not…
– There’s two of them.
– There’s another one…
– What are they?
– I think I saw lights flickering in here…
– Who’d be taking pictures?
– What is this?
– It’s just gone past in front of us…
– Further lights…
– Which ones?
– I lost surveillance for a second… but had veillance the whole time…(unintelligible)
– Gone up…

Former Apollo 14 astronaut Ed Mitchell claimed that many thousands of UFOs observed over the years are actually aliens from another planet.

His claims have been headline news all over the world. During a radio interview Mitchell was recorded as saying ‘I happen to have been privileged enough to be in on the fact that we’ve been visited on this planet and the UFO phenomena [sic] is real.’

He also stated that he was aware of many thousand of UFO visits to Earth during his career with NASA that had been covered up, and that sources at the space agency who had had contact with aliens described the beings as ‘little people who look strange to us.’

Mitchell was a former US navy pilot who was selected to work with NASA in 1960. During the Apollo 14 mission (January 31–February 9, 1971) he became the sixth person ever to walk on the surface of the moon.

However, NASA was quick to throw cold water on Mitchell’s claims by saying, ‘NASA does not track UFOs. NASA is not involved in any sort of cover-up about alien life on this planet or anywhere in the universe. 

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