“Asymptomless carrier” claim was FICTION: Unless a person shows symptoms, COVID transmission rarely occurs, reveals Lancet study

One of the world's most prestigious medical journals has published a paper showing that asymptomatic transmission of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is a myth that does not actually exist.

Completely obliterating the "silent spreader" narrative that the establishment used as "evidence" to push universal masking, the new study, which was published in The Lancet's Microbe journal, reveals that people who test "positive" for COVID but do not show any symptoms rarely, if ever, pass the disease on to someone else.

Early "pandemic" studies claimed that up to half of all new cases of the Fauci Flu occurred because someone without symptoms passed it on to someone else without realizing it. We now know that these early studies were false, in some cases purposely so, to push an agenda.

"The early studies led public health authorities to argue that everyone should wear a mask at all times when out in public or crowded places," writes Tom Ozimek for The Epoch Times. "This, in turn, helped drive draconian universal masking policies, including in schools, in a bid to reduce the spread of COVID-19."

"For instance, Dr. Anthony Fauci, former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), initially discouraged universal mask-wearing early in the pandemic but later did a U-turn," Ozimek adds, noting that in July 2020 Fauci claimed that he changed his mind because "we didn't realize the extent of asymptomatic spread."

If you're not sick, you can't spread COVID

It turns out that Fauci was lying. Something, or someone, convinced him to make an about-face and suddenly rule that all Americans, regardless of symptoms, needed to wear a mask at all times when indoors or when around other people in close proximity.

Now that the entire concept of silent transmission has been debunked with this latest Lancet study, the government has no more legs to stand on in trying to force America into another round of COVID restrictions.

The study was carried out by researchers at Imperial College London, and involved unvaccinated healthy adult participants between the ages of 18 and 30 who were deliberately infected with COVID.

Researchers monitored the participants in a controlled environment while having said participants self-report their symptoms three times per day. Researchers also collected nose and throat swabs from the participants every day to look for the virus.

The participants were also told to wear a mask, which was examined regularly for the virus, as were the participants' hands. Researchers also examined both the air the participants were breathing as well as the surfaces of the rooms they occupied for a minimum of 14 days during the study.

In the end, researchers found that less than 10 percent of all viral emissions from infected participants occurred before their first symptoms emerged. This means that pretty much the only time COVID spread was when someone who showed symptoms shared it with another.

"Very few emissions occurred before the first reported symptom (7%) and hardly any before the first positive lateral flow antigen test (2%)," the study authors wrote about their rigorous, controlled "challenge study."

"Asymptomatic spread was always a lie," added one commenter in response to the study's findings. "Even the WHO knew that and they had one of their 'science' advisors saying that early on."

"Many researchers are now revealing the fraud of the existence of the 'virus,' which renders all the stories surrounding COVID and its myriad of fake variants a lie," added another. 

(Article by Ethan Huff republished from NaturalNews.com )

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