Dane Wigington: Climate intervention operations DISABLE Earth’s ability to RESTORE ITSELF

Geoengineering expert Dane Wigington noted that climate intervention operations are disabling planet Earth's ability to restore itself.

"Climate intervention operations are disabling the planet's ability to respond to the damage already done – while inflicting even more damage in the process," he told Informed Consent Action Network founder Del Bigtree during a recent appearance on "The HighWire."

"These programs are not benevolent in any way, shape or form. All the forms of weather modification are simply used as a smokescreen to mask the exponentially larger and unimaginably more destructive climate intervention operations, aka weather warfare. There are many layers, objectives and agendas masking the true severity of damage already done to the planet."

Wigington, the lead researcher of Geoengineering Watch, said such operations are targeting the food supply. Agricultural regions are being targeted using weather weapons, causing the collapse of crops. Fisheries are also being targeted, with 90 percent of global pelagic fish populations on the decline.

Meanwhile, Bigtree pointed out that China and other countries are engaged in this weather warfare. He added that the military-industrial complex could use this technology to create a drought and devastate other nations involved in conflicts.

Wigington agreed, saying that such geoengineering technologies are the "crown jewel" of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs). This is because controllers of such WMDs can bring people to their knees without the targets knowing they are under assault.

Science community is lying about geoengineering

Wigington also noted that the so-called science community is lying about geoengineering. It claims that geoengineering is impossible as technologies for it do not exist.

However, he pointed out that this deception has been going on for decades now. Wigington cited the existence of film footage from 1923 featuring patented aircraft with spraying mechanisms. The patterns, tanks, pipes and pumps inside the planes are dispersing exactly what people are seeing in the skies today, he added.

People cannot escape what is happening in the skies, according to Wigington. These weather manipulation operations not only destroy the ozone layer and the planet's life support systems, but also contaminate everything on the planet – including the air and the rain. Consistent global dumping would result in about 40 to 60 million tons of toxic climate engineering nanoparticles being dumped into the skies annually, he added.

Wigington ultimately told Bigtree that the gravity and immediacy of what is already unfolding in the skies, alongside the threat it poses to everyone on Earth, must be dealt with soon before all of the concerns become moot points.

"For those that are pretending these problems are off somewhere else in the world and won't affect them – that's like pretending that you are part of the ship that hasn't gone underwater, yet is safe because you're not on the part that is underwater," he said. "It's again a very myopic view."

Watch the full conversation between Dane Wigington and Del Bigtree over the issue of climate engineering on "The HighWire."

(Article by Kevin Hughes republished from NaturalNews.com )

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