Fauci, Walensky and the U.S. government knew that covid jabs were causing myocarditis and blood clots in early 2021, but hid this from the public

On August 29, 2023, the U.S. government was forced to release 472 pages of emails dated February 1, 2021 through May 31, 2021. During this timeframe, the federal government carried out their liability-free contracts with Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson, and disseminated their first round of experimental mRNA spike protein, which they claimed was a “safe and effective vaccine.”

These bombshell emails were released under a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, submitted by attorney Edward Berkovich. The emails reveal that Anthony Fauci (NIAID), Francis Collins (NIH) Rochelle Walensky (CDC), Vivek Murthy (U.S. Surgeon General) and other top level government employees knew that the covid jabs would cause myocarditis and blood clotting disorders. These risks were brought to their attention several times and discussed throughout the email chain.

Instead of being honest with the American people about these serious and life-threatening risks, these government figures devised a series of media messages to promote the mRNA injections as “safe and effective” and mandatory “to return to normal.” The emails, highly redacted, reveal the government’s conspiracy to withhold important risk information from the public, while pushing forth an experiment that should have never come near a single human being.

These same government figures brought forth policies threatening the rights of the people, coercing individuals to take part in multiple rounds of that same medical experiment that had well documented risks. These government figures even worked with social media companies to suppress the truth about these harmful covid jabs and pressured the companies to elevate their deceptive messaging which reaffirmed that the jabs were “safe and effective” even when they knew they were not.

The federal government conspired to withhold life-threatening risks on the COVID jab from the public

The emails obtained by the FOIA all contain the word “myocarditis” and include correspondence between CDC personnel, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, Sherri A. Berger, and Kevin Griffis. A whistleblower from within the agency also provided an additional 46 pages of emails showing how the White House knew about these vaccine harms in the Spring of 2021, but decided to hide the risks from the public, while continuing to push multiple shots on unsuspecting Americans.

Shockingly, over 80 percent of the 46 pages were fully redacted, according to Amy Kelly of DailyClout. These pages included correspondence on vaccine messaging involving the White House and the Executive Office of the President. The Office of the President was able to hide (redact) much of their treachery regarding the vaccine due to a special rule built into FOIA requests that entitles the President to secrecy. Exemption 5 states, “The Presidential communications privilege protects documents solicited and received by the President or his immediate White House advisers who have broad and significant responsibility for investigating and formulating the advice to be given to the President.”

Dr. Naomi Wolf spoke out about these redactions on Steve Bannon’s War Room. She said, “The reason for all these redactions is that what is redacted was solicited or shared with the President or his most senior advisors.” Dr. Wolf analyzed the emails. Around May 24-25, high ranking officials form the White House, the NIH, CDC, and other federal agencies were “freaking out” about myocarditis and thrombotic thrombocytopenia syndrome. Instead of addressing these issues honestly and ethically, the agencies engaged in a coordinated coverup -- a media response that “doesn’t tell the truth.”

When dealing with the issue of myocarditis, Abbigail Tumpey, a former communicator at the CDC wrote to former CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, and other high ranking health officials about the need for a press conference (which they redacted). Instead of addressing the issue with Americans, the issue was made trivial and the vaccine was made mandatory.

When dealing with the same issue, Benjamin Wakana, a top White House communications official, sent an email titled “COVID Tough QA.” The email, dated May 25, 2021, went out to Murthy, Walensky, Fauci, and other White House advisors, but all seventeen pages of the communication were redacted.

Dr. Wolf said, “The final email is from Grace Kwak, White House Advisor to the Deputy COVID-19 Response Coordinator, Executive Office of the President, asking Dr. Walensky’s Executive Assistant, Lynn Gershman, where to find ‘papers/briefings’ about ‘…updates on TTS [Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia Syndrome], myocarditis, etc.’ Ms. Gersham forward this ‘request from WH’ to Sherri Berger.”

The individuals implicated in the conspiracy to withhold life-threatening risk information about the COVID jab from the public also include: Courtney M. Rowe, Director of Strategic Communications and Engagement for the White House COVID-19 Response Team; Kate Berner, White House Principal Deputy Communications Director; Kevin Munoz, White House Assistant Press Secretary; John Burklow, Acting Chief of Staff in the Office of the Director of the NIH; Renate Myles, Acting Associate Director for Communications and Public Liaison, NIH; Max Lesko, JD, Chief of Staff, Office of the U.S. Surgeon General, White House COVID-19 Response Team; Subhan N. Cheema, Senior Strategic Communications Advisor, White House COVID-19 Response Team; Mariel S. Saez, White House Director of Broadcast Media; Cameron Webb, M.D., senior Advisor for Equity to the White House COVID-19 Response Team; Kristen Allen, White House National Press Secretary, Health and Human Services; and Sherice Perry, former Senior Advisor, COVID-19 Equity Task Force, Health and Human Services. 

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