Prince Andrew Accused of Sexually Abusing Children in Ukraine

While everyone was distracted by the mainstream media’s latest news cycles, Prince Andrew was accused of sexually abusing a 12-year-old girl and a 10-year-old boy during a diplomatic visit to Ukraine earlier this year.

TV9 News India reports Jeffrey Epstein’s close friend Prince Andrew was part of the delegation that visited the war-torn country during British Foreign Minister James Cleverley’s visit earlier this year.

But rather than reporting on the credible allegations coming out of Ukraine against Prince Andrew, the media have done everything they can to cover up the scandal, protect the abusers and ensure the global child sex trafficking network, which is worth hundreds of billions of dollars per year, remains an open secret.

Earlier this year Prince Andrew joined Foreign Minister James Cleverley’s British delegation to Ukraine, shocking many who believed Andrew’s days as a diplomat were over.

Why would the British prince, famed for his interest in underage children, insist on visiting war-torn Ukraine?

A whistleblower who worked with the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) revealed in a video interview that Ukrainian Nazi groups are harvesting the organs of children in basement labs that are being discovered after the buildings are destroyed by Russian strikes.

According to Vera Vayiman, who shared her testimony about what she personally witnessed during her time in Ukraine, the children are shipped out of the country under a grain export code. Warning: this is very disturbing information.

Ukraine is the global epicentre of the child sex trafficking and adrenochrome industries which are destroying the lives of millions of children every year.

According to the Kremlin, the Kiev regime has been earning hundreds of millions of dollars per year by raising children in degrading factory farm conditions and selling them to the highest bidder on the international market – no questions asked.

It is understood that most of the buyers are VIP pedophiles, like Prince Andrew, with elite connections.

According to those on the ground in Ukraine, these children are sold as sex slaves to elite pedophiles and those who don’t find buyers are “carved up like discarded waste,” and their organs are harvested and sold for use at European and Israeli transplant centers.

James Obasi, a Nigerian man working in a nightclub in Kyiv that deals with super VIP clients, says that Prince Andrew and his entourage attended the club during his visit to Ukraine.

Later in the evening Prince Andrew’s entourage dispersed, leaving him alone in a private room with two very young children.

Prince Andrew traveled the world with Jeffrey Epstein during the convicted pedophile’s glory years, and it very little has changed. According to Obasi, Prince Andrew is now interested in even younger children than he was when he was spending time with Epstein’s sex slaves.

According to those on the ground in Ukraine, children such as Olena and Dymitro do not have identities or official papers and this makes them a pedophile’s dream because, in a legal sense, they do not exist.

Western mainstream media has been complicit in its silence about Ukraine’s child factory farms, even attempting to dismiss the evidence as the latest “Russian disinformation campaign.”

It is little wonder the British government has announced it will not be releasing Prince Andrew’s files until 2065. The establishment is desperate to cover up the extent of the VIP elite’s ties to pedophilia and adrenochrome.

And while a judge last year promised to publish dozens of court documents relating to Jeffrey Epstein’s VIP clients, including a billionaire businessman, because the public has a right to know who was involved in Epstein’s elite pedophilia ring, the client list remains unpublished.

The hidden hands that control governments would prefer Epstein’s Little Black Book goes the way of Prince Andrew’s files in the UK and remain under lock and key for the next forty years.

I said earlier that the mainstream media is complicit in its silence. More interested in promoting Big Pharma products and acting as the PR Department of the globalist elite, the media is far more interested in pushing sex change surgeries and puberty blocking drugs than reporting on the predatory behavior of super VIP elite pedophiles.

If you want to live in a world that is safe for our children, it’s time to make a stand.

Here at the People’s Voice, we are determined to continue exposing the globalist elite and waking up the masses. But we can’t do it alone. We need your help to spread the truth far and wide.


(Article by Baxter Dmitry republished from )
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