WEF Calls For Free Speech Concentration Camps To Jail ‘First Amendment Terrorists’

The world has reached a critical juncture according to Klaus Schwab who has ordered world governments to begin jailing and re-educating anybody who opposes the globalist agenda.

According to Schwab, human history is now officially over and anybody who disagrees with the globalist agenda must be canceled, de-platformed, arrested and imprisoned as an example to the rest of society.

This evil plot against humanity has been in the works for years, and now we are seeing the first signs play out before our very eyes.

Klaus Schwab has become increasingly bullish about his plans to hijack humanity, destroy sovereignty, and brute force a world government upon the world.

According to Schwab, we have now reached the point where anybody who takes a “negative, critical, or confrontational attitude” to the plans of the WEF must be dealt with harshly.

Klaus Schwab’s unelected globalist agents have been instructed to disseminate the instructions in international forums. Former New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, who now serves the WEF full-time, told the UN Climate Summit in New York City this week that free speech is a weapon of war, and anybody caught speaking their mind on sensitive globalist subjects must be punished accordingly.

Ardern went full Orwell when she claimed that censorship is necessary to protect free speech.

Some things don’t change. Ardern spent her time as Prime Minister of WEF-infiltrated New Zealand trying to convince the population that government is the only source of truth.

Orwell warned us that the elite would try and convince us that up is down, men are women, and war is peace. How right he was.

How can the elite justify taking away freedom of speech and imprisoning anybody who speaks out against their agenda? According to Klaus Schwab’s right-hand-man Noah Yuval Harari, the elite do not need to justify anything because we have reached the end of human history.

That’s right, Harari has declared that human history is over. The elite are determined to turn themselves into gods while at the same time depopulating the global population.

If this sounds crazy, you must understand who we are dealing with. Klaus Schwab and his cronies are operating with the belief that they are literally gods.

According to Harari and his colleagues in the WEF, that “something else” is the globalist elite and their techno-communist world order. And in this dystopian vision of the future, there is simply no place for debate or alternative opinions.

While the majority of the population will be left to fend for themselves in a desperate fight for survival that most will lose, those who have been designated “upgraded humans” by Davos will be saved by what the WEF is calling their “Technological Noah’s Ark.

Klaus Schwab’s agenda is already being rolled out in infiltrated nations including the UK where the British government has ordered law enforcement officials to arrest and prosecute citizens who share fact-checked articles and opinions on the internet.

Following the passing of the Online Safety Bill this week, UK authorities now have the power to punish citizens who share anything deemed ‘hateful’ or labelled as ‘misinformation’ on social media.

The UK’s Office of Communications (Ofcom) will have the power to issue criminals fines of up to £18 million (roughly $22 million) on non-compliant citizens and companies. And hidden in the small print, the government has given itself the right to imprison citizens who refuse to fall in line with the globalist agenda.

At the same time as these developments in the UK, the WEF has urged governments to build COVID concentration camps worldwide to imprison citizens who refuse to go along with the official narrative.

It is no surprise that New York is the first US state to forge ahead with the instructions.

As Rochester First reported this week, oral arguments were held in an appeal case over quarantine regulations by the NY Department of Health over a regulation that would allow the Commissioner of Health to issue isolation or quarantine orders to control the spread of a communicable disease.

With the state of New York seeking the power to quite literally FORCE New York residents to be quarantined or thrown into ‘quarantine camps,‘ as this story over at Dr. Joseph Sansone’s Substack reports, these are nothing less than concentration camps they seek to throw people into over the possibility that they’ve been exposed to what we all know now is a bioweapon THEY created!

This is a similar tactic that was used in Nazi Germany during World War II when Jews and Gypsies and other undesirables were said to carry diseases and were forced into concentration camps. Apparently, those that refuse to inject Covid-19 biological weapons injections will be targeted.

This is a truly disturbing development.

We know the globalist elite have plenty more pandemics up their sleeve because they keep telling us about them.

The globalist elite cannot stop talking about their plot to depopulate the world, and now they are becoming specific with their plans.

The one percent of the one percent — and their sympathizers in business and politics — all seem to be in agreement that the Great Reset is a great idea. And the fact no ordinary person shares their enthusiasm does not seem to bother them one bit.

But the future does not belong to them and the people are slowly but surely waking up to their agenda.


(Article by Baxter Dmitry republished from ThePeoplesVoice.tv)

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