Trailer For New Hollywood Movie Says ‘Most Dangerous Animal In The World Is White People’

A trailer for a new Hollywood movie premiering at the 2024 Sundance Film Festival next month, asks the question “What’s the most dangerous animal on the planet?” to which the answer is “white people”.

The trailer for the Universal Studios movie The American Society of Magical Negroes went viral on X after critics highlighted another alarming example of how anti-white hatred has become normalized by Hollywood.

In the clip, a young black man is told, “I know you can feel their discomfort, Aaron, watching you walk through a room full of white people is the most painful thing I’ve ever seen.”

What’s the most dangerous animal on the planet?” the young man’s mentor asks, to which he responds, “a shark.”

“White people when they feel uncomfortable!” the mentor snaps back.

“White people feeling uncomfortable precedes a lot of bad stuff for us, that’s why we fight white discomfort every day,” he adds, as the scene shows a cop looking nervous along with a measuring device for “white tears”.

“Because the happier they are, the safer we are,” the mentor states.

Modernity report: The movie is the directorial debut of actor/comedian Kobi Libii, who previously whined about how Fox News responded to Black History Month and didn’t give Black Lives Matter enough respect.

The movie centers around “a society hidden in plain sight, working in secret to protect Black people from harm.”

Some responded to the claim that white people are the “most dangerous animal” by posting violent crime statistics.

Lefties will counter that the movie is a “comedy,” although try reversing the races in any context and there would be uproar.

No doubt the movie will replicate the usual process of being praised endlessly by establishment movie critics while being hated by actual paying audiences, if they bother to see it at all.

As we previously highlighted, an apocalyptic Netflix movie executive produced by Barack and Michelle Obama features a scene where one of the characters warns about the danger posed by “white people”.

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