‘Horrific’ Child Adrenochrome Market Found in NYC Jewish Tunnels – Media Blackout

We have been warning about secret tunnel systems involving prominent members of the global elite for years. Now evidence is emerging linking the illegal tunnel system found beneath Crown Heights in Brooklyn with Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell and the Clinton Foundation.

Disturbing video footage from New York City went viral earlier this week, revealing a small stained mattress being pulled from the tunnel that was discovered beneath a Crown Heights synagogue, where photographs show that, among other things, children’s mattresses and high chairs were located in the underground lair.

A riot broke out and a dozen men were arrested at the New York City synagogue that serves as the headquarters of the Orthodox Jewish Chabad-Lubavitch movement when men tried to stop the NYPD and a team of construction workers from sealing off the illegal tunnel system dug beneath the building.

While the media reported on elements of the story, they conveniently left out the parts that connect key members of the global elite to the ritual child abuse taking place.

Mainstream media is determined to convince you the tunnel system is purely innocent and fact checkers are forcing social media sites to delete viral threads exposing the secret tunnels to millions of people.

There is just one problem for these charlatans. The people are waking up and demanding to know the truth.

How is this for truth? The Chabad-Lubavitch headquarters where the tunnel system complete with bloodied small mattresses, books covered in blood, and children’s high chairs, has close ties to Jeffrey Epstein and his child procurer, Ghislaine Maxwell.

That’s right, the synagogue with a secret tunnel system underneath also happens to be providing Jeffrey Epstein’s child sex fixer with special privileges while she is in prison, ensuring she receives the very best kosher food, which is costlier, and various other benefits.

According to the mainstream media, this is just a wild coincidence.

The media also doesn’t want you to know that the Chabad-Lubavitch headquarters has been linked to child sexual abuse for decades.

Hirschel Pekkar, a senior member who designed the Chabad’s world famous menorah, admitted in 1991 to doing, in his words, “things that shouldn’t be done” to a 5-year-old girl.

This is probably a good time to mention the Chabad-Lubavitch synagogue is also linked to the Clinton Foundation, with the two organizations sharing a history of working on so-called “projects” together which have been announced on both of their websites over the years.

Of course, the fact the Chabad-Lubavitch headquarters is connected to the Clinton Foundation, which is itself connected to convicted child stealers including Laura Silsby, who was found guilty of trafficking children from Haiti… Well, the mainstream media want you to know that these facts are also nothing more than a series of wild coincidences.

Keep in mind that both Epstein and Maxwell are on record claiming they helped launch the Clinton Foundation. Can you see how the dots are starting to connect?

In 2024, we are starting to see the truth emerge. But to understand what is happening before our very eyes, it is important to understand the secret rituals that take place behind the curtain. 

We need your help dismantling a 9,000 year old pedophile cult.

Adrenochrome farms are operating in the United States trafficking in children who no birth certificates or international documents and who are sold to VIP elites for huge sums of money.

These children do not have official documents but they do have “expiry dates” of 2 to 4 years, due to how often they are raped and abused, after which they are killed “with impunity” or ritually murdered, depending on the preference of their owners.

In 2016, news broke that a horrific snuff film involving Hillary Clinton was circulating on the dark web. Law enforcement officers have confirmed the tape is so nauseating that they cannot bear to watch for more than a few seconds.

But don’t take my word for it. This is all according to Robert David Steele, veteran of the US marine corps and a former CIA operations officer, who became one of the most well-placed whistleblowers in history when he blew the lid off the entire global pedophilia control system before a shocked judicial commission.

It has long been claimed Hollywood stars and entertainment industry celebrities need to join the Illuminati to make it to the top of the industry, but few people outside of the Illuminati inner-circle truly understand what this means.

That is slowly beginning to change as celebrities who have been subjected to the Illuminati system break down and leak inside information exposing the true inner workings of Hollywood and the entertainment industry.

Hollywood actor Ricky Schroder is the latest celebrity to break down and blow the whistle on pedophilia and occult rituals in the entertainment industry, revealing sickening details about the disturbing occult rituals he witnessed as a child star in the industry.

Ricky Schroder isn’t the only star in recent times to provide us with a glimpse behind the curtain.

Nothing has changed since Angelina Jolie and Ricky Schroder were young and attempting to break into the entertainment industry. During an interview with Glamour magazine, Megan Fox let slip that she participates in gruesome Illuminati blood rituals with Illuminati puppet Machine Gun Kelly.

Reporting on these Satanic practices involving symbols, rituals and sacrifices is ridiculed by the mainstream media.

If you read the Washington Post, watch CNN, or listen to fact checkers, the occult practices of elite pedophiles is not a problem, secret tunnel systems are purely innocent phenomena, and those who talk about child trafficking are tinfoil hat wearing kooks pushing ‘fake news.’

But the evidence is undeniable and continues mounting all the time.

In an interview with the Sunday Times, Hollywood actor Elijah Wood dropped a bombshell, noting how child actors were regularly “preyed upon” by industry figures.

“Clearly something major was going on in Hollywood,” said Wood. “It was all organized.”

What Wood is talking about is the rampant sexual abuse of childhood actors, which has been previously exposed by Corey Feldman as well as Corey Haim.

This narrative is so controlled that after Wood made these comments, the very next day the mainstream media attacked him and forced him to downplay them.

Fast forward one year and another Hollywood insider had a similar story — with a Satanic twist.

Meet Jon Robberson. As a 16 year veteran of Hollywood feature film, television, and commercial production, Robberson has worked behind the scenes at all of the major studios and networks, including on projects for such notables as Spielberg, Bruckheimer, Silver and Abrams, to name a few.

Robberson also left that scene because he says it is crawling with predatory pedophiles.

Evidence has emerged that the distinct through line also takes in global elites including Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell and the Clintons, and you can rest assured those names are just the tip of the iceberg.

At the highest levels of politics, finance and the entertainment industry, a shadowy cabal of pedophiles use their power to hide the sickening crimes they commit against children.

There is a war going on and the elite and their puppets in politics and entertainment are becoming more desperate by the day to crush anyone who exposes their agenda.


(Article by Baxter Dmitry republished from ThePeoplesVoice.tv/ )

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