Jeffrey Epstein's Brother Says DOJ Suicide Report Is "Bull*hit" - Demands New Investigation

Mark Epstein, the brother of elite sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, says his brother was murdered, and the Justice Department (DOJ) report concluding suicide is "bullshit."

"I would like a full investigation of his death. If you look at all the evidence, including the autopsy, the photographs of his body, the bullshit DOJ report that is filled with inaccuracies, you would never come up with the conclusion that this was a suicide – but based on what," he told The Guardian.

Epstein thinks another prisoner could have gotten into his brother's cell and killed him on August 10, 2019, and he says he's been told that not all the cell doors were locked that night.

Most notably, a camera pointing at Epstein's door was not recording the night of his death. According to the DOJ, however, cellmates who might have had a view of Epstein's door said they didn't see anyone go in.

"The question is, who had him killed?" Mark Epstein asked.

In 2020, '60 Minutes' revealed several details in Epstein's death which raised more questions than they answered - and suggested that the financier did not kill himself. In the interview, a forensic pathologist who observed the four-hour autopsy on behalf of Mark Epstein concluded that the evidence pointed to murder more than suicide - particularly due to unusual fractures present in Epstein's neck that are not consistent with suicide by hanging.

While we've heard all sorts of theories about the improbabilities of the force required by the nearly 6 foot tall Epstein to successfully hang himself while breaking an unusual three bones in his neck usually seen in strangulations, that's nowhere near the most peculiar part of Epstein's demise.

Then there's the noose itself... Photos admitted as evidence reveal a clean cloth with no blood, despite Epstein's clearly bloody neck. Moreover, both ends of the noose were hemmed, not cut - while the guard who found Epstein reportedly cut him down.

Also odd is that Epstein's ligature wound, allegedly left by said bloodless noose, is fairly low on his neck.

The photos also reveal other potential nooses - none of which are bloodied, as well as orange sheets strewn around the room.

"There were fractures of the left, the right thyroid cartilage and the left hyoid bone," said Baden. "I have never seen three fractures like this in a suicidal hanging."

"Going over a thousand jail hangings, suicides in the New York City state prisons over the past 40-50 years, no one had three fractures," he added.

Other irregularities include Epstein being taken off suicide watch, broken cameras which didn't record the front of his cell during the cruicial period, and of course, the fact that his guards failed to check on perhaps the most high-profile inmate in modern history - and were instead browsing the web and sleeping.

Earlier this month, Mark told Tucker Carlson that he's hit nothing but roadblocks trying to obtain basic documents related to his brother's death in federal custody.

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