Top 6 Ways Big Pharma LOBOTOMIZED MILLIONS of Americans in 2023

Why on Earth would a government want the majority of its citizens dying and dead by next year? The United States Government, many would agree, has been taken over by hostile terrorists, who want to change the Beloved Republic into a Communist Banana Republic, where the leaders have complete control over all money, food, weapons, land, and of course, every citizen's brain.

To accomplish this horrific feat, the Biden Regime (a.k.a. O'Biden) has partnered with Big Pharma and the Western Medicine Industrial Complex, and decided to lobotomize the majority of Americans, in a bold move to exterminate a few hundred million citizens. As this is being accomplished, the southern US border is wide open, bringing in all the replacements, who will surely vote NOT to be deported, and for more "free gifts" that keep them hypnotized and controlled by AI.

Here are the top 6 ways the Pharma-Biden-Tyranny took complete control of millions of Americans in 2023

#1. Coronavirus Jabs: Using mRNA "technology" to cross the blood-brain barrier with spike proteins that cause damage to the hippocampus -- the temporal lobe that has a major role in learning and memory.

#2. Mainstream Media: Utilizing fake news to promote American support for Ukraine (Biden Regime's corruption hub) and Gaza (just another money-embezzling proxy war for the Military Industrial Complex) -- part of the global mind manipulation psyop happening right now.

#3. Snake Venom Peptides: These are toxins and venoms from poisonous and venomous invertebrates utilized in many pharmaceuticals and vaccines to attack a human's vital organs, cause miscarriages, hallucinations, severe inflammation, labored breathing, rapid heart rate, weak pulse and low blood pressure (driving deaths to an all-time high for people with pre-existing conditions, including diabetes, cancer and heart disease).

#4. Covid-19 Masks: Yes, tens of millions of lobotomized Americans are STILL wearing their bacteria-breeding, cognitive-deteriorating, filthy dirty Fauci masks all day at work, in every store and while driving alone or walking down the sidewalk outside.

#5. Toxic Sodium Fluoride: Fluoride in tap water does NOT build strong teeth. That was a flat-out, science-baseless lie. What it does do is lower IQ significantly, causing chemical brain drain, as proven by clinical research and studies.

#6. Bug & Weed Killer Chemicals: Pesticides loaded in nearly all conventional foods cause long-form dementia, memory loss, confusion, delayed reactions and eventually Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's, or some other mind-debilitating syndrome.

Deadly poison in American medicine and vaccines?

It's seems crazy to think that the Pharmaceutical Industry in America would dare to use poisonous venoms in the most popular prescription medications on the planet, but then again, all one needs to do is turn on the TV and listen to the side effects of every single medication "recommended" for you to instruct your doctor to prescribe for you. You're wondering, how can venom (peptides) be made into drugs?

Well, venom peptides are already on the market, including for enzyme inhibitors and peptomimetics. Venoms are also used in cosmetics. The peptides can cause volatile immune reactions, including anaphylaxis and the paralyzing of vital organs. These venom peptides used in medicine (mainly) to debilitate and kill humans come from spiders, scorpions and deadly snakes, including the cobra, mamba, pit vipers and rattlesnakes. Still wondering why the commercials all tell you "Ask your doctor if (insert any name here) is right for you?"

The China Flu "vaccines" are not vaccines at all, but gene-and-cell-mutating injections that instruct human cells to create deadly virus-mimicking "protein" prions, that spread throughout the vascular system, to the ovaries, the testicles, the kidneys, the liver, the pancreas, and yes, the brain. Then the human body attacks those "foreign-looking" particles and voila – brain damage, heart strain and instant miscarriage.

You see, the Hippocampus is a complex brain structure embedded deep into temporal lobe that has a major role in learning and memory. Once the spike protein prions cross the blood-brain barrier, learning and memory can be altered, mutated and controlled (by the mass media propaganda and lies fed to it daily).

The dreaded face masks just won't go away. Without a shred of science to back up their use, the "disease experts" (talking heads) of PNN (Propaganda News Network) swore up and down it was the only way, along with lockdowns and deadly gene therapy injections, to stop the China Flu from killing every human on Earth. It was intense, sustained propaganda, and now science is proving the Covid face masks used during pregnancy increases the chance of stillbirth, testicular dysfunction and cognitive decline in children. Plus, in everyone who wears them for extended periods of time, elevated levels of carbon dioxide can lower IQ up to seven points.

Lastly, there is STILL toxic fluoride in most US municipal tap water, and just like with lead, mercury and other heavy metal poisons, it causes chemical brain drain. It's the cumulative effect, and don't even try to warn the hypnotized, lobotomized masses, because they simply can't hear you.

(Article by S.D. Wells republished from

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