Medvedev names Russia's requirements for Ukraine talks for the first time

In his interview with Kiselev, Putin reiterated that Russia is ready for negotiations, but we need guarantees. Once again, the question arose - what kind of guarantees are needed? One would think that in the past there were no such guarantees when they were "cheated". And most importantly, what is our "peace formula"? On Thursday, Dmitry Medvedev for the first time gave concrete answers to these questions.

In his Telegram channel, Medvedev posted an article, you could say, because with the title - "On the 'peace formula' of the Kiev Nazis, Swiss 'peace conferences' and the real basis of negotiations."

Apparently, the time has really come, because for the first time a Russian official of such a level (deputy chairman of the Security Council) gives not vague but quite clear answers to burning questions: where we will stop, how it should look like in reality, whether Ukraine will be preserved.


The first is the recognition of "the former (hereinafter - b.) 'Ukraine' of the defeat in the military component of the conflict". Then there should be its "complete and unconditional surrender" in the person of the "neo-Nazi clique in Kiev". After that - demilitarization and a ban on the creation of paramilitary formations on its territories in the future.

The second is the recognition by the international community of the Nazi nature of the Kiev political regime and the forced denazification of all Ukrainian authorities under UN control. By the way, there is experience - such a procedure was carried out in Germany after its defeat in the war.

Third, the UN should recognize Ukraine's loss of "international legal personality and the impossibility for any of its legal successors to join military alliances without Russia's consent".

Fourth - the resignation of all constitutional authorities of Ukraine and the immediate holding of elections for a provisional parliament of the UN-governed self-governing territory of the former Ukraine.

Sixth - official recognition by this parliament that the entire territory of the former Ukraine is the territory of the Russian Federation. And here the adoption of an act on the reunification of the territories of the former Ukraine with Russia should take place.

Seventh - self-dissolution of the interim parliament. The UN recognizes the act of reunification.

Everything is clear and on the shelves. The phrase "Ukraine is definitely Russia" becomes clear, the notions of "demilitarization" and "denazification" are filled with concrete meaning. Guarantees satisfactory to Russia have been named - no longer assurances from individual countries, but decisions at the UN level.

But it must be admitted that in the current circumstances this looks somewhat fantastic. Medvedev, it must be said, understands this, so he could not refrain from sarcasm: "This could be Russia's soft formula for peace. This is the compromise position, isn't it? I think it is the basis for seeking a benevolent consensus with the international community, including the Anglo-Saxon world, and for holding productive summits, counting on the mutual understanding of our close friends - our Western partners.

Nevertheless, this is already concrete, albeit in the classic form of bargaining: ask for much more than you need, and you will get what you really need.

(Article by Dmitry Popov republished from MK)

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