4 Natural solutions that can help address CANCER

Cancer is often addressed using strong medications that can cause more harm than the disease it purports to fight. Fortunately, there are natural cancer-fighting solutions that you can use against the Big C.


Allspice (Pimenta dioica) is made from the unripe berries of the P. dioica tree that are dried and ground. It is called by many names including Jamaican pepper, kurundu, myrtle pepper, pimenta and new spice. The P. dioica tree is cultivated in many warm areas throughout the world, with its essential oil also commercially available.

According to research, allspice possesses antimicrobial and antioxidant properties thanks to its abundance of bioactive agents that contribute to health promotion. It can address inflammation, pain and fever thanks to these same plant compounds.

Allspice is also known to possess cancer- and tumor-fighting properties due to three compounds in particular. The plant compounds eugenol, ericifolin and quercetin present in allspice are the ones responsible for its anticancer effects.

Black walnut

Black walnut (Juglans nigra) contains the plant compounds quercetin 3-beta-D-glucoside and penta-O-galloyl-beta-D-glucose. These two chemicals part of the 16 compounds present in J. nigra kernel were the center of a paper published October 2020 in Molecules.

The study authors pointed out that the two compounds prevented two kinds of cancer cells from multiplying. However, they suggested that the antioxidant activity is likely driven not only by these two phenolic compounds, but also by a combination of its other compounds. These compounds exerted antioxidant activities that were significantly higher compared to the vitamin E analog Trolox that was used as a control for the study.


Despite its reputation as a poisonous plant, bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis) possesses cancer-fighting properties. One study published in October 2020 in the International Journal of Dermatology focused on the cancer-fighting ability of sanguinarine, a plant compound found in the roots of S. canadensis.

The October 2020 study found that sanguinarine, in a dose-dependent manner, is effective on certain kinds of skin cancer. The plant compound blocks proliferation of cancer cells and induced apoptosis (cell death) a number of different transformed and malignant cell types.

Meanwhile, The Truth About Cancer disclosed that sanguinarine can trigger apoptosis via three mechanisms, citing a study published May 2016 in Free Radical Biology and Medicine. According to the study, sanguinarine activates caspase (an enzyme that helps to break down proteins and other molecules), prompts DNA fragmentation and down-regulates anti-apoptotic proteins in laboratory leukemia cells.


Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) is often dismissed as a mere garnish in the kitchen. However, this mere garnish possesses powerful anti-cancer compounds such as apigenin, which prevents the formation of blood vessels that carry nutrients to cancerous tumors. It also contains 8-methoxypsoralen, a plant compound shown to inhibit the development of carcinogen-induced lung cancer in laboratory mice.

A major Italian population study involving more than 2,500 women with breast cancer found that the risk of breast cancer was reduced by increasing their parsley intake. The reason for this lowered breast cancer risk was the plant compounds present in P. crispum.

(Article by Olivia Cook republished from NaturalNews.com)

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