Globalist Plot Exposed: UN's Pact for the Future

The United Nations has quietly ushered in a new era of global governance with the "Pact for the Future," a controversial framework that has flown largely under the radar of mainstream media. This agreement, operating under the guise of "sustainable development" and "global cooperation," lays the foundation for a world where national sovereignty is eroded, digital identities become mandatory, and the World Health Organization wields immense power. Critics argue this pact is a thinly veiled attempt to establish a globalist regime with a technocratic bent, paving the way for a dystopian future where individual liberties are sacrificed in the name of "progress."

PTV: The United Nations has just quietly validated every so-called “conspiracy theory” from the past year by rolling out the Pact for the Future. Operating under the cover of darkness, with zero coverage from mainstream media, the globalist institution has ushered in digital IDs, handed unaccountable power to the World Health Organization, and laid down a blueprint for total control.

The history books will write that global governance was instituted on 13 September 2024, through the dystopian Pact for the Future.

Remember the Global Citizen Digital ID conspiracy theory? It’s in there. Remember the WHO pandemic treaty surrendering all national sovereignty in the event of a “health emergency”? It’s in there, and you ain’t seen nothing yet.

Here’s a list of highlighted topics in this framework for tyranny:

  • Sustainable Development and Financing
  • International Peace and Security
  • Science, Technology, Innovation, and Digital Cooperation
  • Youth and Future Generations
  • Transforming Global Governance

RadioFarSide report: The Pact for the Future is clearly a desperate, last-ditch blueprint for tyranny concocted by cowardly world leaders scrambling to patch up the bleeding cracks of a crumbling planetary control system.

The mewling “leaders” dream big here, spewing visions of a utopia by the curious alchemical date of 2045, where everyone holds hands and faces the apocalypse with climate action, peace, and sustainable development.

Enter the Global Digital Compact, the Bumbledicks’ wet dream of controlling the digital Wild West.

They want you to believe this is all about inclusion and privacy, but read between the lines. It’s Big Brother 2.0, complete with shiny digital IDs and vaccine passports. Sure, it’s dressed up in techno-utopian nonsense, but don’t forget—they’re angling for power over the bytes and bits that define our 21st-century existence.

Don’t think for a second this isn’t about corralling us in the name of global “health and safety”.

And then, of course, there’s the obligatory call for a New Social Contract—a pile of mealy-mouthed garbage intent on replacing national constitutions with a global “framework” for standardized tyranny.

They talk about justice, social protections, and healthcare, but these are just hollow terms etched on phosphors that can vanish with the tap of a button.

Meanwhile, the whole world’s burning from fake scarcity, war, and a collapsing economies, brought to us by the very same Bumbledicks.

But hey, let’s hold out hope that somehow, through this noxious brew of diplomacy and mutual back-patting, they’ll build a resilient, sustainable, just world—and catapults make pigs fly.

All of this is the Hegelian Dialectic writ large. These slimy poltroons work ‘round the clock to create problems that don’t exist, so they can slide their precious “blueprints” across the table, which are little more than blatant looting of national treasuries to expand their carbon footprints on our faces and stuff their pockets with out sweat.

Meantime, their tarnished heralds in the GeezerMedia fuss and fret, telling us diligently the ubermenschen are laboring by gaslight to save us from vapors and phantasms, as the NPC-Normies wave it away like a cloud of gnats, their pale empty faces staring transfixed at their screens.

In the past quarter century, we have seen just about every conspiracy theory proved true, from the Warren Report lies to the New World Order, and yet the unwashed masses act as if they’ve known it all along.

Perhaps it’s the water fluoridation, which was recently proved in court. What else would cause the rubes to accept as immutable truth today, what they angrily and vehemently rejected as lunatic ravings yesterday?

Thesis — Antithesis — Synthesis

So, as the peons slog and slouch toward the camps, heads bowed to their sacred screens, at least us wingnuts in the wilderness can rest assured that we were right all along.

As Alex Jones’ Infowars empire gets auctioned off, us prescient prophets of perdition can take solace in the knowledge that everything we were persecuted for believing, is now the way things have always been.

Oceania is at war with East Asia. It has always been at war with East Asia.

What is so annoying about all this is the way the gaggle of Hindmosts that infest the UN General Assembly passed the Pact for the Future in the most craven manner — they allowed it to take effect by not voting on it.

This is known as the Douglas Adams rule of law — if public notice is posted in a rusted-out filing cabinet in an out-of-order toilet behind a pile of broken office furnishings in an abandoned basement, and no one objects, then it must be law.

It suddenly occurs to me why the year 2050 is so prevalent in the Bumbledicks’ Grand Plan for Total Domination: by then, all of us perspicacious prognosticators will be dead and there won’t be anyone left to complain.

Unfortunately, there isn't much recent news on the "Pact for the Future" beyond the initial announcement. The UN hasn't released any further information or official statements on the matter. However, the lack of coverage from mainstream media and the "quiet" implementation of this agreement raise further questions about its true intentions and the level of transparency involved.

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