Report: Bill Gates Funded Rigged Hydroxychloroquine Trials to Sabotage Natural COVID Cure

When the COVID-19 pandemic emerged in early 2020, Bill Gates and certain influential figures worked to discredit a well-established, affordable, and safe treatment option, branding it as hazardous misinformation.

Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), a medication that billions have relied on for malaria treatment over seven decades without significant side effects when used correctly, faced intense scrutiny. In the United States, physicians prescribe approximately 6 million HCQ prescriptions annually.

Hub Pages reports: In fact, according to a compendium of the 420 known studies on HCQ as a remedy for COVID, the antimalarial, well-known to international journalists and other Third World travelers, does provide benefit: a “Significantly lower risk for mortality, hospitalization, progression, recovery, cases, and viral clearance,” with no increase in risk of heart problems or death whatsoever, according to

Doctors who prescribed HCQ were already under attack. But the pinnacle of the medical establishment, the prestigious medical journal The Lancet, had just been caught publishing a study concluding that HCQ was dangerous which turned out to be based on fabricated data.

The study was retracted in a scandal of major proportions, and Lancet Chief Editor Scott Horton lamented that his journal had been sucked in by a “monumental fraud.” Nevertheless, articles saying HCQ is useless and worse, dangerous for COVID, continue to top Internet search results to this day.

Working through clinical trials set up by the World Health Organization (WHO), Gates funded a set of trials designed to conclusively show that HCQ was a non-starter in the treatment of COVID. Gates is the single biggest funder of WHO, bigger even than the US when the Gates-controlled GAVI donation is included.

It can be safely said that whatever Gates wants at WHO, Gates gets. (Gates Foundation Funding Announcement of WHO Solidarity Trials on HCQ.In 2020 Gates once called the idea that HCQ helped COVID “outrageous.”

The WHO Solidarity Trials design board, of which five of 25 members were from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, used an approach guaranteed to make HCQ look bad: slam the participating COVID patients with toxic overdoses of HCQ, over four times maximum adult dose, which was never intended for any use. This was a sure way to get heart arrhythmia and other ill effects, including death.

Below is the passage from the WHO Solidarity Trials protocols which specifies the experimental dosage of HCQ. Beneath that is a image of the instructions for the use of HCQ, brand name “Plaquenil.”

Below: Archived Solidarity Trails Protocol on Hydroxychloroquine, Total Dose Over Ten Days = 8800 mg

Below: Standard HCQ (Brand Name Plaquenil) Dosage for Adult Malaria “Adult patients: Administer 800 mg initially; subsequently administer 400 mg at 6 hours, 24 hours, and 48 hours after the initial dose (total dosage = 2000 mg over 4 days).“ SOURCE

The non-profit founded and run by Vera Sharav, a Holocaust survivor who has devoted her life to fighting against unethical and criminal medical experimentation, wrote on June 20, 2020:

“Dr. Meryl Nass has uncovered a hornet’s nest of government sponsored Hydroxychloroquine experiments that were designed to kill severely ill, Covid-19 hospitalized patients. On June 14th Dr. Nass first identified two Covid-19 experiments in which massive, high toxic doses – four times higher than usual of hydroxychloroquine were being given to severely ill hospitalized patients in intensive care units.

  • Solidarity was being conducted by the World Health Organization, on 3500 Covid-19 patients at 400 hospitals, across 35 countries. The hydroxychloroquine arm of the trial was suspended May 25th following the fraudulent Surgisphere report in The Lancet that claimed 35% higher death rates in patients receiving Hydroxychloroquine. But when The Lancet retracted the report, the WHO resumed the Solidarity trial’s hydroxychloroquine arm, on June 3rd. More than 100 countries expressed interest in participating in the trial.
  • Recovery is a similar experimental trial conducted in the UK, using very similar doses. It was sponsored by the Wellcome Trust (GlaxoSmithKline) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the UK government. The experiment was conducted at Oxford University, on 1,542 patients of these 396 patients (25.7%) died.

Update: After Dr. Nass’ discovery was publicly disseminated, the WHO suspended the hydroxychloroquine arm of the trial on Wednesday June 17th.”

Dr. Nass was one of the doctors who had their medical licences suspended for treating their patients with HCQ, a remedy which the Lancet study had already been caught lying about, saying it was useless and dangerous. Even though the Lancet openly admitted that the data for the study had been fabricated, it was the doctors who were right who were persecuted, and still are, not the Lancet.

The Wall Street Journal reported in June 2020:

“The Lancet first pulled a study published late last month that found antimalarials provided no benefit as a treatment for Covid-19 infections while increasing the risk of heart problems and death.”

Nothing would be allowed to get in the way of FDA “Emergency Use Authorization” for the vaccines, even if it killed people. FDA rules on “Emergency Use Authorization” – EUA – for a drug not yet fully tested prohibits EUA from being granted if there is a safe and effective alternative, like HCQ. Drug and vaccine development typically takes 10 years.

The FDA states in the document “Emergency Use Authorization of Medical Products and Related Authorities”:

“For FDA to issue an EUA, there must be no adequate, approved, and available alternative to the candidate product for diagnosing, preventing, or treating the disease or condition.”

In 2020 Dr. Jim Meehan, MD, admirably summed up the possible crime against humanity in an interview with Del Bigtree. (Rumble back-up video)

Even as Solidarity Trials patients were given nearly 9,000 mg of HCQ over 10 days, when the maximum recommended dosing was only 2,000 mg over 4 days, it was known by WHO that anything over 2,000 mg at once could kill. It was known because WHO itself commissioned the study. HCQ was never meant to be taken in the tens of thousands of mg in a short time, and any competent doctor or scientist knew this.

Dr. Nass wrote in June 2020:

“The WHO hired a consultant to explore the toxicity of chloroquine in 1979. The consultant, H. Weniger, looked at 335 episodes of adult poisoning by chloroquine drugs. Weniger on page 5 notes that a single dose of [1500 mg – 2000 mg] of chloroquine base “may be fatal.” According to Browning and Goldfrank, the pharmacokinetics and potency of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are almost identical…”

One doctor who had been reporting outstanding results with HCQ was Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, whose protocol called for 1,800 mg of HCQ over 6 days. The WHO researchers were dosing five times that, clearly an irresponsible, even homicidal, dosage. A study on the Zelenko protocol published at the NIH website in 2021 concludes:

“Our study suggests that the treatment protocol of HCQ, AZM, and zinc with or without vitamin C is safe and effective in the treatment of COVID-19…”

Despite this and a majority of the known studies on HCQ treatments for COVID showing significant improvement and “76% lower mortality,” Clay Risen at the New York Times still saw fit to smear Dr. Zelenko in his 2022 obituary as having “promoted an unfounded COVID treatment.”

Below: Page 5, WHO study on toxicity of chloroquine, similar dosage profile to related hydroxychloroquine,“ a single dose of 1.5-2 grams (1,500 – 2,000 mg) of chloroquine base “may be fatal.” SOURCE

The demonization of hydroxychloroquine – HCQ – is not the only episode in the COVID saga in which the fine hand of Bill Gates can be seen. Gates also pushed hard, with his cold hard cash, for the false positive-prone Drosten PCR test to be test of choice for at least the first year of the COVID story. Through a $250,000 grant to the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, which owned the PCR test, in March of 2020, the PCR test got the inside track on tests for COVID. The PCR test was never meant to diagnose active infection of anything, and according to the New York Times, could result in 90% false positives.

As detailed in “The Criminal RICO Case Against Bill Gates,” Gates also

  • –Paid Imperial College professor Neil Ferguson $8 million, in grants to Ferguson’s MRC Centre for Global Disease Analysis, to author “Report 9,” the discredited, non-peer-reviewed paper which justified worldwide “lockdowns” and “social distancing.” Johan Giesecke, the former chief scientist for the European Center for Disease Control and Prevention, called the “Report 9” model “the most influential scientific paper” in memory, and also “one of the most wrong.”

Gates’ influence at WHO, as the single biggest funder of the organization once the donation from Gates-founded and controlled GAVI is figured in, is unchallenged.

In 2017 Politico wrote:

“This largesse gives him outsized influence over its agenda, one that could grow as the U.S. and the U.K. threaten to cut funding if the agency doesn’t make a better investment case. The result, say his critics, is that Gates’ priorities have become the WHO’s.”

Will anyone ever pay for such enormous, if true, crimes against humanity? Only time will tell.

Planet Today

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