Israeli Settlers Declare South Lebanon Part of Israel, Urge Netanyahu to Begin Settlement Construction

Israeli settlers are now pushing for the establishment of settlements in southern Lebanon, claiming it as part of “Greater Israel” in the wake of the Israeli military invasion of Lebanon.

This campaign, announced by Israeli settler groups on Thursday, marks the latest organized effort to promote settlement building in a region far beyond Israel’s recognized borders, suggesting Israel’s military action has never been about defending itself, and always about Zionist expansionism.

The settlers are rallying behind the idea that southern Lebanon, much like other territories that border Israel, is a rightful part of Greater Israel.

This announcement comes despite northern Israeli settlements remaining largely deserted after Hezbollah’s growing military influence turned those areas into ghost towns, forcing many settlers to flee.

Despite this, the settlers now aspire to extend their ambitions into Lebanese territory — a move that is set to provoke significant geopolitical tension.

Israel’s actions have historically been driven not by self-defense but by expansionism and land appropriation.

From the 1967 occupation of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza to the annexation of the Golan Heights, Israel’s territorial ambitions have consistently sparked accusations of ethnic cleansing and land theft, often disguised as efforts to secure the state.

Advocates for Palestinian rights argue that the call to settle in southern Lebanon is another manifestation of Israel’s expansionist agenda, which seeks to consolidate control over new areas regardless of the political, legal, or humanitarian consequences.

Such ambitions have been a key driver of the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict, where settlement activity in the Occupied Palestinian Territories has been widely condemned as illegal under international law.

The prospect of Israeli settlements in Lebanon — an area that has already endured years of conflict — is set to exacerbate tensions in the region, especially given Hezbollah’s strong presence there.

The move risks igniting further violence, as Hezbollah has long resisted Israeli incursions into Lebanon and views any expansion efforts as a direct threat to Lebanese sovereignty.

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